
Sunbeam again!

Hi again!  It's me Sunbeam, the wedding is in just a few days now!  So exciting!  And, Emerald Cloud, such a  pretty maiden, I have a wedding gift idea for you...  Don't tell but I was thinking last night, what would I want to happen at my wedding?  Well I had this WONDERFUL idea!  You don't have to do it, but it's a good idea if you don't have anything else.  If you don't want it, someone else can use it.  Okay, right when the preacher says "You may kiss the bride" and they lean in... FIREWORKS!  You could set some off behind them, it would be beautiful!  Just an idea...


1 comment:

  1. Oh how fantastic! They'd love that! But, oh, where would get them?! I would love to do that! I wish i could give them something else, i wonder what everyone else is giving them...
    >o< ( cat nose & whiskers )

    *Emerald Cloud*
